
Generates SQLAlchemy model code from an existing database.

positional arguments:
  url                SQLAlchemy url to the database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version          print the version number and exit
  --schema SCHEMA    load tables from an alternate schema(指定schema)
  --tables TABLES    tables to process (comma-separated, default: all)
  --noviews          ignore views
  --noindexes        ignore indexes
  --noconstraints    ignore constraints(忽略外键)
  --nojoined         don't autodetect joined table inheritance
  --noinflect        don't try to convert tables names to singular form
  --noclasses        don't generate classes, only tables
  --outfile OUTFILE  file to write output to (default: stdout)


sqlacodegen mysql+pymysql://root:root@ --noviews --noconstraints --tables host,vpn --outfile out.txt