kuberntes Custom Resources

Custom resources

自定义资源(Custom Resources):是对现有Kubernetes API的一种扩展。当你创建一个CR后,你可以使用kubectl命令,像操作Pod一样操作自定义资源。

Custom controllers

custom resources只是定义了如何存储和查询结构化数据。如果要想CR真正的被使用起来,还需要定义Custom controllers,定义Custom controllers之后才可以真正的提供描述性接口。
描述性接口允许你只定义资源所需要达到的理想状态,控制器会为了达到理想状态进行一系列的操作,并维护这个理想状态。`Operatorr pattern可以使Custom resourcsCustom controllers`完美结合。

如何添加custom resources


- CRD:CustomResourceDefinitions:简单不需要编程


CRDs Aggregated API
Do not require programming. Users can choose any language for a CRD controller. Requires programming in Go and building binary and image.
No additional service to run; CRDs are handled by API server. An additional service to create and that could fail.
No ongoing support once the CRD is created. Any bug fixes are picked up as part of normal Kubernetes Master upgrades. May need to periodically pickup bug fixes from upstream and rebuild and update the Aggregated API server.
No need to handle multiple versions of your API; for example, when you control the client for this resource, you can upgrade it in sync with the API. You need to handle multiple versions of your API; for example, when developing an extension to share with the world.
